Subject Leaders: Hannah Davies
Intent of the RE Curriculum
At Warren Mead we believe that Religious Education has a significant role in the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs. Through Religious Education, pupils develop their knowledge of world faiths, and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. We value the religious backgrounds of all members of the school community and hope that this will encourage individuals to share their own experiences with others freely. It enables pupils to develop the ability to talk about their own experiences, values, ideas and beliefs whilst respecting and reflecting on others differing views. This enables them to develop their own sense of identity and become informed, respectful members of both our school community and an ever-changing wider society.
Religious Education gives children and young people in our school a unique opportunity to reflect on and learn from the faiths and beliefs of those around them. World and local events reported through the media engage the curiosity of all students and cause them to question how such events can happen: in these days we are all too well aware of the migration of people who make our country their new home, and the many complex and varied reasons for this. Effective Religious Education has much to offer our children and young people as they prepare for life in this rapidly changing world, where critical thinking and discernment will be ever more important and valuable.
We wish to remind parents of their right to withdraw their children from all or part of the religious education and collective worship provided. If you would like to discuss this, please contact us via the school office.
Implementation of the RE Curriculum
We use the 2017 - 2022 Agreed Syllabus for Surrey as a basis for our curriculum.
In Key Stage 1, children explore important aspects of Christianity, Judaism and Islam through weekly lessons, assemblies and visitors into school. Due to the current pandemic, external visitors are not able to come in, but we have plans to investigate online alternatives. Due to a mixed Year 1 / 2 class, the units have been organised into a 2 year cycle to ensure that during KS1 the children cover all compulsory units and some additional study units.
In Key Stage 2, the recommended phase for each topic has been implemented. All compulsory units are taught through class teaching and additional study units have been planned to complement the compulsory units. For example in year 3 the teaching of Judaism is followed by the ASU, Jewish celebrations. During KS2 children will have the opportunity to explore and build upon their understanding the following religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Sikhism, Hinduism and Buddhism are also introduced.
Religious celebrations, such as Harvest and Christmas, are celebrated throughout the school. We also embrace opportunities throughout the school, to explore other world religions through significant festivals during the year.
Parents can find our curriculum overview and links to the agreed syllabus and details of the subject lead on the school website. Parents are regularly updated with Year group newsletters which give parents the opportunity to see the learning that has been happening which can include Religious Education.
Impact of the RE Curriculum
- Children will develop knowledge and understanding of different religions and beliefs.
- Children will begin to appreciate the importance of religion in the lives of many people.
- Children will develop their understanding of the influence a belief on behaviour and values.
- Children will begin to consider their own beliefs, values and attitudes.