House System
House System at Warren Mead
We run a house system which is very successful in terms of promoting team spirit, greater links between the different Phases in our school, pupil’s attainment, behaviour and self-esteem.
There are 4 houses at Warren Mead, each representing one of our school values.
Curie House |
Yellow House | Represents value of Consideration |
Hawkin House
Green House | Represents value of Resilience |
Ennis-Hill House
Blue House | Represents value of Aspiration |
Luther King House
Red House | Represents value of Pride |
House points are given as small tokens and are collected in our House containers which are situated centrally within both school buildings. We have gold tokens which are given for showing of the school values and blue tokens which are given for effort and achievement in learning.
House points are counted on a fortnightly basis and the house with the most points receive a reward.
Each house supports a local charity or one which is particularly significant for the Warren Mead school community. Pn an annual basis, children take part in a house event where money is raised for these charities.
Children are allocated into their house group in the Autumn term of Reception. All children are allocated their house group at random, but with the aim that house groups will be diverse and inclusive, with a fair mix in terms of gender, race and ability. Each house has a captain from Year Six.
Events are done in houses throughout the school year including House Charity days, Sports Day and Sporting tournaments.