SEND / Inclusion
At Warren Mead Infant and Junior School Partnership, we recognise that the quality of teaching within the classroom has the greatest influence over children’s progress. We, therefore, invest in training, resources and monitoring to ensure our classrooms are an inclusive place for all children. This is known as the Universal offer/‘Wave 1’ or ‘Quality First Teaching’.
Targeted support /‘Wave 2’ is planned to enable children (who are working below the level of their year group) to work at the expected level for their age. The support aims to close the gap in attainment between the child and his/her peers. These are generally taught in a small group, wherever possible within the classroom.
Specialist support or ‘Wave 3’ support is usually provided at the individual level and is personalised to enable the child to achieve his/her potential. Children who are in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and those children who have more complex needs, will have personalised Support Plans, for their educational needs or for their social and emotional needs. The plan is prepared by the class teacher, overseen by the SENDCO and is reviewed termly. It may also include provision/ advice from an external agency or professional, such as a Speech and Language therapist.
Please read the full school offer and SEND information report below or contact our SENDCO if you have any other enquiries. Email to Mrs Simpson -
Please read the information below which gives details of our SEND provision. Follow the link below for further information on what is available across the county of Surrey.